Today I look down in my arms and see the reason for all the nights... Days... Away from my son.. Away from my husband.. Away from my life...
It was all to add to my life. The blessing in my arms will come home with me when I am released from the hospital.
I have so much to be thankful for, so many people to thank. We have all the doctors that made me stay in bed. Called me weekly to look at sugars that fluctuated for crazy reasons. Sometimes for zero reasons. Sometime for predictable reasons. I have a husband who somehow managed to keep life at home as normal as ever with a two year old to remind daily that his momma loved him and was taking care of a baby brother that he had yet to meet. He continued to provided for our family and home. Which included loss of sleep, and sanity I can only imagine. He went to work every day. Turned around and went to school twice a week. Took his classes online and somehow worked in his homework in to a schedule of craziness. He decorated a nursery. Painted a crib, chair, and dresser. Hand sponged a border on the wall of the nursery. Did all the grocery shopping. And house clean that is required when you have a toddler running wild though the house.
I had a mom that arranged to somehow between her teaching classes, working at the office, and working her shifts at the ambulance. To visit her daughter and bring in her son in so that she could see him and she took her time to spend extra time to push her around the hospital, and deal with what was sometimes a Very tired 2 year old. That comes with it's own set of challenges. She arranges to watch This kiddo three days a week. Two of those days she took him home at night and put him to bed so that my husband could just come home from school and not have to drive 20 minutes passed our home to pick up our son.
I have my father in law who supported my husband in ways that I am completely unaware of. But I have no doubt that his family was a huge support. They watched our son two days a week while Jason was at work.
We have nurses, several of them, that take great care if me. They are supportive, kind, teach me lots of things help me stay sane. And are always there when I have to complain about any and everything.
I have sisters that always take care of my face book games, call me and visit to remind me that I have people that care.
My point is that I have a million people that make my world go round. And without them I would have gone completely crazy.
I hope that all of these people A: know who they are.. And B: that they make a huge difference in this life that they helped me make.
So as I lay here tonight, holding our new son Conner, I am overwhelmed with the thought of what could have happened.
He was born 37 weeks and 2 days old. A healthy 6 lbs 13 oz. 18 1/2 inches long
Head cir. Of 34 cm. And an apgar score of 9/9. He is a miracle. An precious gift straight from god arms to mine. And I am so blessed to be his mother.
Anyway I am super excited that we will be able to go home soon. I frankly can't wait!! But Conner will go home WITH me. He isn't going to have to spend any time in the nicu. He isn't going to have to stay Here for observation. He has been able to keep me up at night... Learn to eat... And be the light Of my life.
Welcome home Conner!
You were worth all of this hard stuff!
Your perfect!
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