Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3-1-2011 stress of the day

I am at a complete loss, all the nasty comments from nurses that I said were ignorant, were not.

My son Conner is weighting in big. He measures 24 weeks 5 days. 
Which is a week older then he is. Meaning he is gaining more weight then he should.

The doctor said this is because of my blood sugars. I uncontrolled, I however am doing all i know how to do.

Which is:

1: eat heathy and a mix of complex carbs with little to no simple sugars. 

2: check blood sugar before eating, two hours after and keep numbers under 170. And above 70.

*note* this is harder then it looks. Every meal has different carbs. Different carbs hit different ways. My body could need more Insulin with breakfast then lunch and less insulin with dinner and night time snacks then both previous meals. It ISN'T cut and dry. Also when the insulin needs r perfect one day. They could be higher the next day. Or if I have and infection I could need a higher basal rate (amount of insulin given over the course of an hour) then if I wasn't fighting a infection.

3: keep contact h my doctors so they can help me with my numbers when I don't know what the best decision is. Cuz I am not a professional and i don't have all the answers. If I thought I did that would be called denial. Which is also not good.

So basically I have a diabetic doctor that thinks I am doing great!

I have a baby doctor who thinks my diabetes is uncontrolled.

And as far as i can tell my doctors don't talk to each other.

I am Frustrated and my bipolar is going crazy, meaning I am getting paranoid. And I know that it is crazy but I still think that people dislike me. Some people that I like don't want to work with me. And That makes me sad, angry, and I hate the constant new nurses. I need consistency it helps me keep focused.

I need to take care of my son, I need my people to talk to each other, I need everyone to come up with a game plan and keep the communication open.

I need them to do this now!

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