Today was Just another day, I am having some issues with my sugars, i think i have an underlying infection. which makes for extra sugar to be around or something.. All i know for sure is that when i have an infection, I have weird sugars. So the fact that i had a tooth break off three weeks ago... makes me think that it might be an infection in my gum, or the start of one. which could be bad.. because i have heard that such infections can lead to preterm labor... which would not equal a good thing.
So Doctor Richey who comes back tomorrow from a well deserved weekend off. is not only gonna freak out about my sugars, but she's gonna blame Doctor Tanner, Talk about how she wants to control my Diabetes with shots.... and it is gonna stress me out..... and she is going to get a dental consult. which will be a good thing. I am going to continue with a 3rd antibiotic. this one 3 times a day, on top of the other two that i have had sense the beginning of this fun adventure.
Doctor Tanner Returns from Mexico this week, so we are going to set up a Care Conference. and i am going to attempt to get my brilliant doctors, (Because they Both are brilliant at what they do.) to talk to each other. so that i don't feel like the middle man in a bad divorce. you know the kind.... Tell your dad that i need him to be at your game on friday, because i have to work. and Ask your Mom if she could pick you up from school because i have to attend a late meeting, and it is that or you can ride the school bus. and I know she would prefer you not have to do that. Not that those are even accurate examples because i have Never been a carrier pigeon for any of my Parents issues. they always talked to each other on the phone or in those damn weekly family meetings when things needed to be different then what was normal.
I understand Doctor Richey's Frustration, She Takes care of me, and her job is to make sure that Baby Conner is cooked in a Stable, Heathy, Non sugar coated environment. and Me being his Environment would include..... Medicine for Bipolar, Medicine for diabetes, and antibiotics for infections that could make for a hard time for me. and she specializes in Perinatology, which i believe is the big word for Complicated pregnancies, a category of which i more then fit into. She is the Very best.
Doctor Tanner Specializes in Diabetes, another Category that i fit into without question. I am Diabetic pregnant or not. He became my doctor in april of 2008 when my A1C was the Lowest it had ever been at a 9.9 or something... (Not good). He Pretty much had me at
"Hello, i'm Ross Tanner, and I see that you would like to take better control of your sugars, That is something i would like to help you with.. but i can't do it for you. here are some baby steps to get you on the right track... if we can start small i don't see any reason why we couldn't have you with a A1C of 6 in a few months, It is going to take work... on your part, but i can be a good resource to Help you with this if it is something that you really want to do. I can give you tools and teach you how to use them. but in the end it is going to be you... YOU can Do This."
He was right, It took work, He was a HUGE support, I was on an Insulin pump a month or two later. and things have been pretty good. we got thought the complicated 9 month Pregnancy, I ended it with a A1C of 5.4. and a Healthy Full Term beautiful baby boy. I trust him. He understands me. He can Joke. I am NOT his easiest Patient of this i am SURE> but he has and never will give up on me. even when i slacked off and had my A1C up at 8.2 when there was NO good excuse. I have Never been Hospitalized with an Episode of DKA in the time that I have been in his Care. before him it was once sometimes twice a year. including a week or so in the ICU in a Diabetic coma. when I went though my fun out every night, drink like a fish. he said, "that is really not good for you" however here is how alcohol works and dissolves in your system. did he think it was the best decision to make. NO. Did he understand that i was an adult, and i make my own Choices, good, bad, or indifferent. YES. He supplied me with the information that would make me live though it.
anyway, wow off point much.. my point was
He doesn't need to know what my Cervix is doing to do his Job....
She Does need to know what and how we are taking care of sugars to do hers...
He and I make changes on my Insulin pump weekly, we Talk about my sugars, we talk about Trends, we talk about how I can make big problems not happen again.
She Comes in Everyday.. she Feels my Tummy, looks at my sugars, and when she sees numbers she doesn't like she tells me she doesn't like them. She however Knows that she isn't in charge of my sugars. She doesn't make Changes on my pump. If she feels like I need to make a change she would need to call the Specialist that takes care of that department and make her suggestion. as far as i can tell she has NEVER CALLED or requested Records of any kind from Doctor Tanners office. I however did. I said i would like you guys to send all this stuff to her, as i don't think she feels in the loop. but she does on a regular bases say she is unhappy with the control or in her opinion lack thereof i have over my sugars.
so i need them to get together and play well in the sandbox. and talk nice and understand that not only am i a Paying customer, but I have a miniature Human that needs them to get along, because when they don't... it stresses me out.
So that is what we are having the Care Conference about.
My Momma and Grandma are going on Vacation, the will be gone for 2 weeks..... I may DIE!!!
Well hopefully not. but it is going to be a challenge to not have my normal biweekly visits. I will see my son on sundays, and the rest of the week i will not hear anything from the sitter, this is slightly stressful. but i do trust that my Husband would NEVER put Justin in danger, and His Dad and his dads Girlfriend would never hurt him. or do damage in anyway, they just don't do it my way. which sucks, but i will get over it. but after the 20th it is going to be very rough on me. so prepare yourself for a rough couple of weeks, But i am sure it will all be fine.
anyway it is like 4 in the morning and i am going to go to bed... or at least try. we will see how that goes. I love all my people I am blessed to have you all in my life and i will forever thank God above that you are a part of my life.
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