So, today was the best day ever! it was Monday, I had a good breakfast, Cream of Wheat.. Love it!!!
My Boys got here pretty early, they brought gifts, Bread, licorice, pedicure stuff, razor, and Shaving Cream. YAY.
then we went for lunch, Meaning I got out of my ROOM. it was so awesome. it has almost been 4 weeks, i am so happy about that, it is crazy, then i got to hangout with Jason and Justin on the couch and watch a movie. it was so good to cuddle and love on my boys.
Justin was about sick of the hospital so they had to leave.. but it was still the best date ever!!!
then i called and talked to my bestest in Washington. she sounds great.. and she is so supportive. and Gets it, the bed rest this sucks stuff,. the food stuff,.. just the stuff. so we talked for a long old time.. and it was great.
Doctor Richey came in, she is happy with how things are going. didn't say much, was glad that I got out of this room though.
Doctor Tanner Called me. our weekly appt. and it went well cuz i am doing all the right things. and learning a lot about how to do things on my own. so that also went well..
I have some unsettling things going on in my head, I was thinking about the time line, i am 22 weeks almost 23. Obviously My little Conner wouldn't make it if born right now, so i need him in there cooking for at least 10 more weeks.. and that is a minimum so i need all the prayers i can get.
we got the paint for his room, and the bedding is all picked out and bought. it looks Great.
Conner is doing well i am hoping for a ultrasound soon for a weight check and just to look at his sweet face again.. i know i am pathetic.
anyway... that is about how much went on today,.. it was alot. and i am going to take it super easy tomorrow so that i don't overdo it and cause Conner any unsettling contractions. Luckily i am not contracting. just a little irritated. so it is a little uncomfortable. but Conner is still good. am moving quite a bit.
I really appreciate all my friends and family that help me deal with the trapped feeling that happens, and i am so grateful for all my support. My Doctors Nurses, Family, Friends, and Of course my Husband and Son.
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