Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Morning? Blog for 2/7/2011

I will start at the listing the Random CRAP i had to listen too. First, I woke up with a little of a low sugar, I had slept in by quite alot, and so it didn't surprise me and i didn't wake up shaky, just eat my breakfast, OJ first. not panicked. then my nurse came in. she asked what my sugar was, i told her.

this particular nurse has a very strong, "i am right, and i know better then the doctor" attitude. and for some reason has zero problem sitting down on the end of my bed and making herself at home. to criticize EVERYTHING!!!! a few examples are "they don't usually let you sit up that high" Really "they" have never said anything. "Please tell me you have signed your consent for a tubule already?" Um no... Bitch "i usually they only allow your bedside commode for bowl movements" well that isn't what the order says, so can i go pee please. or would you like me to hold it? all things i Want to but Didn't say.

so, i they leave and i eat, almost. they come back in 10 minutes later, and announce that the student is going to do my Assessment, OK? right now. or can i eat?
Because of the low sugar i was holding off on the insulin tell i knew my sugar was up, as to not make my blood sugar too low. but they came in, and spent 35 minutes finding lung/bowel sounds. and reflexes which they said i didn't have, and another 25 finding Conners Heartbeat. cuz apparently it isn't in my hip? i ended up taking the thing and finding it for him. the Nurse had NO problem letting her waste my time. in this process she ended up off handedly bringing up the tubule AGAIN. which i curtly told her WASNT funny and Wasn't something i was discussing any further this delayed my bolas for my meal, and i knew that I was going to be looking at a high sugar at 2 hours because my Bolas would only be about an hour in.

I checked at the two hour mark because they came in to Replace my IV. "awesome" and it was High just like i knew it would be. however a Correction was NOT needed as i already had insulin working on the problem. I reluctantly told her the number and said that it was gonna come down and it was going to be just fine. "I just feel bad for the Baby" Yeah I lost my Mind. all of my filters left and i was not hearing anymore of this crap. i told her that their was NO reason why should she should feel sorry for Conner. she was being a bitch, and her off handed comments about the tubule were inappropriate and needed to NOT be brought up again. unless your can actually preform the surgery. and she looked at me like i was not only wrong but completely not in the right to be upset at the comment. like the comment was NORMAL. she then Said she was going to give me some space of which I said was a VERY good idea, cuz i was more then a lot pissed off. and was going to need some help calming down. I made some calls, waited for my sugar to come down, (it only took about 45 minutes) imagine that the amount of time the bolas was delayed. HUH. she came in with the doctor and had her remind me that high sugars were bad for the baby, DUH. thank you. i knew that, and it wasn't staying high. it was already down into normal by the time she came in to say the obvious. they all left, and left me to figure out how i was going to get though the day without killing her.

i bit the bullet called them in to put in my IV. although i didn't really want HER doing it. afraid she would f it up on purpose. but i told myself that that was the stupidest thing ever, and no one would do that. she came in, with the doctor again who asked how i was doing, And if i thought i needed to "talk" to someone. I of course said YES. she looked confused at the nurse and walked out of the room. the Nurse dropped what she was doing, and walked the doctor to the door. and the doctor said, i am going to go write the order for a Phiec consult, she Doesn't have a Problem with it. it was said in a way that made me believe that it wasn't the doctors Idea.

they took out my IV, and had to stick me Twice, because she said the Equipment was Faulty. my thought was Yeah it sure is, you suck at IV's just like everyone else in this unit. they don't do them a whole lot.

I had a telephone appointment with Doc. Tanner and he said that my numbers looked great, and what they were expecting was not gonna happen, cuz blood sugars fluctuate, being that it is like everything else in Human control, and Guess what We make Mistakes,

the rest of the day was spent sleeping so i didn't have to deal with her, and her crap. Fair? i think no. about shift Change she came in and tried to be buddy buddy with me. and told me about a 24 weeker that was born last week in the patients bed. I asked if the child made it. and she said there was a difference between Making it, and having a Brain. I again thought, Why are you telling me this?

She also told me that she knew how I felt being on bed rest, she was on bed rest for a while with her first pregnancy, and she delivered early at 36 weeks to a 10lb 4oz baby. i asked her how long she was stuck in bed, she replied 3 days. I didn't say anything to that, cuz that isn't the same. as 2 weeks, or 17 in my case.

she said that i wasn't communicating well, that is why she didn't say the right thing, and that i needed to somehow tell her why i thought it was ok, cuz the statement made it seem like i was in denial. i blew her off. i couldn't have been more clear, my sugar was coming down, and she needed to give it 45 more minutes. Just like i said.

Thankfully shift Changed, and Willie came on, who asked how my day was, and i gave her the short story. She was appalled at some of the comments she made, said that i wasn't the only one with problems with her, and that she has always been a Problem in her book. and that it was obvius that i knew what i was doing, that A1C's don't lie. and 6.2 is Great. and to keep up the good work.

so that is my horror story about Dawn, a day nurse from Hell, who needs to go home soon, and if i have her again i may send her there myself!!!

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