GeoTagged, [N61.18812, E149.81843]
Today was the best day ever!!
Started out rough, but it ended up the most wonderful day ever.
Jason brought Justin and Simba. And they both cuddled with me for a long time. It was nice to relax with my sweet boy. They brought me dinner. My favorite porkchops and applesauce. With mashed potatoes!!
Then we I has dinner, and sent some pictures to Walgreens so that mom could pick them up and I could put them on my wall!! They look awesome.
So mom and Paula and Molly doll came in, we watched a movie, baby momma. So funny, I love it. They ended up staying till about 11 o'clock. And then I did some computer stuff till the Internet went out. Now I am writing my blog on my phone, good old 3G. Never goes out. And I am headed to bed as soon as I am done here.
Side note is it was the Superbowl today
And green bay packers won!!
I also started a potholder, as well as worked on my door hanger, callie bought me. Mostly I am really blessed and I am grateful for everything my family and friends do for me.
I love you all. Goodnight
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