It was a fabulous day, started out slow, I slept in till 11. I don't know how that happened but it was good. I had breakfast, and we monitored Sir Conner for a while. He is doing great, he is already doing accelerations and giving a reactive NST. which is really good for his age. He is 26 weeks today.. which is exciting.
I have been Hospitalized for 7 weeks today, that is a lot of days. but i think i am handling it OK. I mean don't get me wrong it sucks a great deal of time. but today isn't one of them.
I woke up, Had breakfast, tested baby, about 4:30 The most handsome man in the whole world walked into my room in his uniform. God i love that uniform. we hung out for a little bit. then went on our walk....
we went out towards his car. so he could get the movies he brought me. Then we took the elevator to the second floor for whatever reason. LOL i promise this has a very funny ending. we went to the other elevator. and he got me in and as the doors close he gets out. LOL I'm like well huh the button is already pushed. so down i go.... No Jason to push me out of said elevator. so the doors open.. and here i sit... lucky for me there was no one that wanted to go up... cuz that would have been awkward. I mean really my Chair pretty much takes up all of the elevator. so i push the 2 button with my foot. LOL and up i go. and when the doors open.. Nothing. No Jason. so the doors close and i hit the 1 button also with my foot. and down i go. and as the doors open... there Jason is. God i couldn't quit laughing,
we went and sat by the fish and talked about stuff. nothing super. but you know just random stuff. and then we headed back to my room.
I organized the movies he brought and fed Gregory... I am not sure i have Told you all about Gregory. i will later,, but then i got to cuddle with him for a good while,.. But then he had to go. cuz i swear to you he looks more and more tired everyday. I swear he doesn't get any sleep. I don't know where he finds the strength to carry on. I mean i know that being a Momma is Hard work. but I cant imagine being the MOM, DAD, full time job, and Full time Student. He amazes me.
OK, so Gregory... He is my Betta fish.. Callie My Sister, Got me Gregory. with a tank and everything. My Nurse Vicky. she Went to the store and got herself one. cuz he is so beautiful. he swims and just hangs out.
I really Love my life.
My Momma and Her Wife Paula.. they are always there for me. whether it be a phone call, or a visit. or a gallon of gas. i don't ever remember a time that they weren't there when i need them.
My Sister Callie. God She is always there. I will never be able to repay her for all the money she has spent. the car that i wrecked, the wedding she planned. the times she has picked me up in the middle of the night. we have had drunk crazy nights, calm serous conversations, and Outrageous fights, that I always win... Mostly cuz she lets me. I love you Callie.
Whitney... I swear to go it is a miracle she is still alive... If you had told me that we would be as close as we are now when we were younger.. i would have called you a lier. I mean my mission in life was to kill her... She was so annoying.. but Nope we are pretty freaking close now. our Kiddos, Justin and Kaylynn are 2 months apart. almost 3 i guess. but still pretty damn close. We Geo cache together, Hang out, GO on walked with the kids in the summer. and always have something to do... Walmart, Target, or just hanging out in our living rooms.
Amie, God Amie, we have so many Jokes that are only funny between the 2 of us... DRIVE!!!!!! and Fishing for lake trout. suck and Elf.. God, So many. she has been a lifesaver more then a few time. when I just need to yell and scream about stupid stuff that should not bug me at all. but she always listens no matter what. I wish she lived closer. She sent me flowers, and A leopard stuffed animal. She is just yet another amazing part of my life.
Molly Doll, God she helps in so many ways.. she came in to town the other day, gave me a neck rub cuz the my back hurt, Bed-rest is hard on the back. I don't even know how that is possible. She Helps Grandma watch Justin.. three days a week. and honestly that is HUGE. She is so amazing.
Lindsey, God Sisterly #6 She is AMAZING she is in school in Ashland, in an O state. Ohio I think. LOL She sent me the most amazing package ever.. it had some notes, an Amazing crayon. and the most EPIC calender it counts down the days till Conner is 38 weeks. which is Less then 100 days away. YAY.
Grandma Claudia, She is pretty freaking fabulous too. She watches Justin Tues, Wed, Thurs. we don't pay her.. She just watches him. which is amazing, she is always there.. she sings the best songs. and we have some Great Memories, Utah, Winnimucca, Muphrys California, SO much stuff. I love her so much.. she is a Huge part of the reason i am the strong person i am today.
My In-Laws, they watch my kiddo. Mondays and Fridays, and most Saturdays, so that Jason can get the stuff around the house done that he needs to get done. Conner's room looks amazing. and they watch Justin while Jason works on it. I am Really grateful for them.
Grandma Shorthill, She i swear sends me Packages of random things i might need, or might never have a need for, I love her so much. she is sick and has been for Quite some time at this point. she just cant shake this Cold/Flu/Insomnia. but she Calls me EVERY DAY> I Know she feels like she is letting me down cuz she cant come visit. but Just a Call makes a Huge differences in my sometimes really Crappy days.
My BFF Maria, God there is so much to be said She is a Huge Strength, She always has been. she is the most amazing person I have ever Met, We Met in God it must have been the 2nd grade. she Gave me a vial of Jasmine Perfume. from her "mix your own Perfume" kit. that was before i moved to willow with my Momma when she Got divorced. and in the 7th grade, There she was, Maria. and honestly we clicked pretty much Immediately.. we were Friends for pretty much all of high school. at one point we went our separate ways. mostly because i was a selfish "its all about me" brat. and she needed space. but we are Best friends. When she got sick, it was really hard,. I prayed. and Cried and Never Gave up. cuz guess what... she was gonna be fine. And she was. I visited her in Seattle once. we had so much fun. we went on a road trip. and to the space needle. and did lots of stuff that is just awesome. that is the first time i went to a different city. for the only purpose of visiting someone i cared about. We sometimes go months without talking.. but when we do.. we NEVER run out of things to say. we have inside jokes too.... Polar Bears,, Penguins and Lube. LOL she knows stuff about me that no one knows. I have never had to lie to her. and i never will.
My BFF Berick. That man i swear stands by me. Some times he Makes me so mad. and we break up. but never for very long. He also means the world to me. He sometime really drops the ball... but never when it is really important. well almost never when it is really important. He listens to me bitch and moan about nothing. and calms me down when i get really upset. over my own web of mistakes, although that has not happened in a few years. thank god. there is so much to be said about Him. He is Brilliant.
Jason, My Dear Jason... God that Man. He Married me 4 and a half years ago. God i was a mess. he have been though so much. but we always make it though. this isn't the most fun thing i have ever done, but adding to our family is such a wonderful blessing to be able to do. I Love the way he looks when he is with out son. Justin. He loves him more then anything ever. even his, SHHHH Ram Charger. LOL He is my Best Friend. Lover, Companion, Father of my Children and My Soul Mate. There are a million and one things that i could say about him.. but i won't. He knows all my faults and loves me anyway.
I am running out of time to write.. I am using the Hospitals computer to write this.. Mine is at home with Jason because he has to have a computer to do his online classes. so i am gonna close this up.. I have all of my people that i am immediately thinking about...