Saturday, February 19, 2011

Crap that will piss someone off, 2/19/11

So I am having a really hard time with the shiny bright side of this whole situation.

I live in a HOSPITAL! I get out of bed when i have to pee. but FYI its a risk. to my son, but i cant pee on my bed anymore or i would freak out.

I eat what the Hospital provides, sometimes, (but not all the time) things i pick. but lets face it. it is stuff that EVERYONE complains about when talking about the hospital stay. I get to eat here for 123 days. YAY ME

I live in my bed, I have eat in my bed, i brush my teeth in bed, because standing of two minutes to brush my teeth could end my pregnancy. which is NOT AN OPTION.

because i live in bed means all my activities happen in my bed which include but are not limited to..... coloring, cross stitching, facebooking, leg excises, tv watching, all of which i am very grateful to have available to me. however i drop something. I have to call someone to get it. i lose something in the covers i have to try to find it.. which takes a lot of moving which i am not really suppose to do. because movement stresses my uterus which holds Conner, which needs to not be stressed because i need it to continue to hold Conner. so losing things which does happen, ex. Phones, speakers for the TV, Pens, God countless pens, Crayons, markers, needles, as well a zillions of crumbs that later make me itch, and get horribly uncomfortable. granted i am allowed to request my bed be Remade/changed but that requires movement from one bed or have it made around me with also requires movement, which endangers Conner. so really it is a toss up, i can request it. and be jostled and moved or i can wait for my next bath which happens about once a blue moon, or every Saturday, and thursday, if i remind them that it is Saturday, or thursday.

and I know i should just be grateful.

I would like to make it Clear i am not complaining about the way i have to live. I am Grateful that i am still pregnant, I know that there are woman out there that can not, and would more then take my place to be able to have the blessing that i have, by having children.

I have family that had their babies that would have done anything to have had the opertouniny to carry their baby to term.

I Try really hard to count my blessings, Everyday, it sounds a lot like...

I am grateful for my son,
I am grateful for the fact that my heathy son has people that can care for him while his daddy is at work so that he can provide for his family.
I am Grateful for nurses and tech that have compassion and take the time to share little pieces of their lives with me to make me feel a little more normal.
I am grateful for my Friends that take a day out of their lives EVERY week to visit me and bring me real food from places that i really miss.
I am grateful for Family that calls me daily, text me daily and send me popcorn balls i Frontierville. and it it unbelievably pathetic how happy that makes me.
I am Grateful for TV, Food, Meds, Doctors that i swear deserve sainthood, and all the little things that i overlook each day.

However today was just not a good day, and as grateful and glad as i am to be pregnant with a seeming heathy baby boy. I am TIRED OF BEING HERE>

MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

end of vent for now ... love you all


  1. I Love You!! I Find It Amazing That You Love Your Popcorn Balls :) I'm Glad I Could Be The Highlight Of Your Day!!

  2. *hug* this is the absolutely most positive vent I have ever read. You are awesome girl, being in hospitals long term sucks giant goat nads, & I promise they are HUGE. Know that beyond all of that tip-toeing to make sure noone got offended (which was incredibly sweet & even appreciated) you really do have every right to be sick of it all. Its the paradox that's annoying. You have to be thankful & graceful & smile & be happy & tough.. but all you want to do is yell @ someone for being incompetant & insensitive, & for someone to just acknowledge that it sucks. It just sucks. & that it isn't something you can just be happy about. Today might not be a great day, tomorrow might not either, but keep that goal & keep it focused. When I was getting chemo right before you visited, that was my goal to get out of the hospitol on time & to be able to spend time with you. I didn't account for the speeding ticket, but apparently I'm not allowed to go on road trips without some sort of legal snaffoo.
